As part of our medical exam, the I-693 Application will be completed with a Board-Certified MD physician, certified by the USCIS, and yourself. This includes a questionnaire of your health and past medical history, reviewing and completing immunizations as per USCIS regulations, blood testing and results review.

As part of the exam, we will work with you to complete:

(1) Immunizations; Based on your previous immunization records and age. If you do not have your immunization records from your birth country, the civil surgeon will discuss with you several options you have in regards to completing this necessary task.

(2) Laboratory Testing : This is purely based on age. Any candidates 2 years and old will require serological Tuberculosis testing at the time of the exam. (Previous TB results will not be usable for the I-693). Candidates aged 18-44 will require Syphilis testing. Candidates aged 18-24 will require Gonorrhea testing. The blood tests will be conducted at local laboratories, as per the instructions of the civil surgeon.

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